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Smooth Toro 252 cc 4-cycle OHV engines have been tuned specifically for these models to deliver powerful, responsive performance.
For hot starts on the coldest days, each Toro two-stage snowthrower comes equipped with both electric start and a recoil mitten grip start for added peace of mind.
The 100% steel chute construction means this snow blower is built to last
The only system to allow the impeller to automatically reroute excess snow away from the chute and back into the auger to reduce clogging.
Special, hardened gears are designed to withstand the highest of stresses and provide worry-free performance — no shear pins needed.
Reinforced with metal rod, innovative joystick control changes chute direction on the go.
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Power Shovel 38361 12" Width / Electric $230.00
Power Curve 1800 18" Width / Electric $400.00
Power Shovel 39909 60V Cordless / 2.5 ah Battery $400.00 – $500.00
Power Clear e21 60V Cordless / 7.5 ah Battery $1,050.00
Power Clear e21 60V Cordless / (2) 6.0 ah Battery $880.00 – $1,400.00
Power Clear e21 39921 60V Cordless / 10 ah Battery $1,300.00 – $1,640.00
Power Clear e21 39922 60V Cordless (Tool Only) $1,360.00
Power Max e24 HA 60V Cordless / 24" Max 2 Stage $2,310.00
Power Max e26 HA 60V Cordless / 26" Max 2 Stage $2,110.00 – $2,580.00
Power Clear 518 18" WidthRecoil / Electric Start $810.00 – $880.00
Power Clear 721 R 21" WidthRecoil Start $1,020.00
Power Clear 721 E 21" WidthElectric Start $1,100.00
Power Clear 721R-C 21" Width212cc / Commercial $1,100.00
Power Clear 821R-C 21" Width252cc / Commercial $1,270.00
Power Clear 721 QZE 21" Width/ 212cc $1,270.00
Power Clear 821 QZE 21" Width/ 252cc $1,400.00
SnowMaster 724 QXE 24" / 212 cc Electrc Start $1,600.00
SnowMaster 824 QXE 24" / 252 cc Electrc Start $1,670.00
824 OE Power Max 24" 2 Stage / Power Max $1,980.00
Power Max 826 OXE 26" 2 Stage / Power Max $2,110.00
Power Max 826 OHAE Snow Thrower 26" Two Stage / Power Max $2,220.00
Power Max HD 828 OAE 28" Two Stage / Power Max HD $2,310.00
Power Max HD 1030 OHAE 30" Two Stage / Power Max $2,840.00
1232 OHXE Power Max HD 32" Two Stage / Power Max HD $3,370.00
Commercial 1428 OHXE Power Max® HD 28" Two Stage / Commercial / Power Max $4,000.00
Commercial 1432 OHXE Power Max® HD 32" Two Stage / Commercial / Power Max $4,400.00
TRX HD Commercial 1428 OHXE 28" Two Stage / Commercial / Trax $5,040.00
TRX HD Commercial 1432 OHXE 32" Two Stage / Commercial / Trax $5,540.00